Mindless Crafting and Painting

If you’re like me, not doing anything is lost time for crafting.

Also, if you’re anything like me, if you’re not completely lost in a project, you are lost at what to do next or what to work on.

Hopefully I’m not the only one, but I love to have side burner projects to have in case I finish any “main” projects I work on. Here is one of my favorite projects that I’ve recently been having fun with in my free time.

Watercolor Reverse Coloring Book

A few years ago, I bought a Reverse Coloring Book by Kendra Norton. This book comes with pages that are already colored with fun and bright patterns, and you can make your own image out if by adding in the lines. I LOVE this book. Any time i was in a rut for creativity, that was a great way to feel creative and make something I was proud of without having to completely start from scratch. I eventually found a bit of creative block with the book and felt a bit lost with what to do with the pages. I didn’t want to start on any of them for the fear of ruining the amazing design (just like keeping hoards of stickers to make sure they are placed in the BEST possible spot – just me?). That’s when I decided to start of start my own book!

Reverse Coloring Book by Kendra Norton

I was DEEP into my obsession with GLOW (PLEASE watch it if you haven’t already, it is amazing. Credit to my friend, Austin, thanks for changing my life). This was the perfect mindless craft I could work on while also enjoying my new favorite show.

It started with similar designs to what the book I purchased had, and those really allowed me to explore my creativity with watercolors. I experimented a lot with floral designs, organic lines, and patterns.

hand painted watercolor flowers
hand painted watercolor flowers
hand painted watercolor flowers
hand painted watercolor flowers

This was one of the first projects that I felt like I could really let go and just let the brush follow the paper as I went. No outlines, no structured patterns or ideas, I just came up with the ideas and patterns as I went.

Around the same time, my husband started using a coloring app on his phone. Of course, I also had to download it and give it a try. I had zero patience for the app, but realized I gravitated towards coloring images that were of rooms. The idea of a cozy, comfortable space coming to life before me was comforting and exciting. I quickly took this to my watercolor book. Where I wasn’t in love with the first few outcomes.

watercolor plants
handpainted watercolor flowers

I went back to this coloring app and found some of the rooms that I adored. I took inspiration from these and made some rooms of my own! I love plants, eclectic styles, and lots of colors. I hoped to paint rooms that I could see myself sitting in with my cats and a cup of tea. These are some of my favorites that I’ve done, and are continuing to work on.

The entire idea of this book was to use it to create my own reverse coloring book. Of course, my plans slightly detoured and began my love for experimentation with watercolor. While I do hope to go back and create the outlines for these paintings, for now, I am loving the process of getting there.

Thanks to Kendra Norton for creating the Reverse Coloring Book, which has provided me with so much inspiration during this year. This book truly opened my eyes to creative lanes I would not have otherwise explored. Until this project, I was really weary of trying out watercolors and was afraid to use them. Having this project as a safe place to experiment really helped me to feel more confident in my watercolor painting abilities.

Check out this book on Amazon, you will not regret it! Hopefully I will be back with an update with these pages, but I’m not holding myself to anything, I know how I am. lol

Happy crafting! <3

About Me

Hi, I'm Maddy!

I love arts & crafts.

I'd love if you followed along! <3